Jacqui Fellows
Regulatory Compliance Manager – Senior Leadership TeamJacqui Fellows is the Regulatory and Compliance Manager at Valda Energy, bringing 20 years of experience in the energy industry across a variety of business functions including 10 years within the regulatory space. Jacqui has a passion not only for regulations, but also for putting the customer first and helping the business deliver positive consumer outcomes. She works with all areas of the business to ensure compliance and co-ordinate responding to regulatory change. Having worked in a variety of areas within energy business Jacqui has an extensive knowledge of operations and actively engages across all teams to provide advice and support both for projects, and to senior management and the board but also on a day-to-day basis.
Jacqui has recently studied to complete an ICA Diploma in Governance Risk and Compliance designed to enhance her technical knowledge and skills to drive positive governance, risk, and compliance culture across the business. She is keen to engage with colleagues within industry, with the regulator and other parties and is eager to see how energy regulations develop in the future, not just with new technologies but also different approaches to regulation.
Outside of work Jacqui is learning to play the guitar (it’s a slow process). Jacqui loves the outdoors and spends most of her time, with and without her two boys, walking or running and exploring the countryside and the UK coast, although she has a pet snake and a giant African land snail so the pets don’t get out much.